
Monday, September 12, 2011

Vote dammit!

Regardless of your political party, your beliefs, or your religion; we need to all stand up and demand that the President and those in Congress be held accountable for how they vote, what they vote on, and from whom they take money.
In this, it does not matter what you want them to vote for, only that they are voting the will of the majority of voters in their jurisdiction not the will of the corporation giving them the most money.
Stand for what you believe in, tell them what you want them to do, shout your will!!!
We showed that we can make a difference in 2008, no matter if the vote went your way or not, we witnessed the power of many voting their voice.
Contact your representatives at the city, county, state and federal level!! Let them know we are not happy, we are not stupid, and we see what they are doing. The level of greed, partisanship and downright pandering to large corporations over the common good, the public, the people.
We must never forget that we have the power, this is our country and they work for us. They are elected by us to be our voice.
Remember what so many have fought for us to have today. Read your history, read about how many have fought both physically and verbally to ensure our rights and freedoms.
Vote. Please vote. Vote your will, your conscience. But remember, you would not want someone else to limit your rights, your will. Why would you do that to someone else?

And that's my 25 cents...

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