
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We are losing the human touch
It is all mechanical, corporate, technological
We are forgetting about the community and how we are all responsible for each other
Life is a web of interactions and we are severing the strands
There are no more barn raisings
No more neighborhood potlucks
No community gardens
I do believe that we all need to start paying attention to the person again, on a community level rather than a federal or even state level
The disease that is infecting this country started from the ground up and we are just now seeing it on the CEO and federal level we need to get back to the ground
Community gardens where all participate, Habitat for Humanity where we all pitch in to build houses, volunteering at homeless shelters and food kitchens to help those who have even less than we do
Bringing those in prison into the community to keep them connected: gardens both floral and vegetable, help build houses, work on community clean up, take care of animals; we give them libraries and gyms and tvs, why not give them something productive where they can see a final product to take pride in?
That Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon does not just mean that we all know each other but that we are all connected, all of us together

We are all of us responsible for ourselves and how we treat everyone else
We are responsible for the community we live in

There is too much 'you can't do that' and not enough 'let's do this'
There need to be fewer laws as if we are all children who cannot decide for ourselves what we can and cannot do and more assistance to help everyone succeed in life. That does not mean become rich, it just means become fulfilled and have a rich life full of love and achievement.

We need to become a community of people rather than a corporate culture we have become
People are not corporation, people are life, love, happiness, laughter, joy.

And that's my 25 cents...

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