
Friday, May 10, 2013

freedom, government, fear, weapons

 There is much talk about guns and government and fear these days.

I always flash back to my recollection of history class and the French Revolution the most, although I suppose there must be many others. :) my reading has led me to this time because of the Three Musketeers mostly and the research into France I did because of that book.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. This is both true and false. False in that the gun is the weapon that is used to kill, true in the sense that people who wish to harm or kill another will find a weapon, anything can be used to kill. People are resourceful that way.

I recently saw a tweet that said "people who are talking about an armed rebellion against our government, let me point something out to you, our government has tanks and drones and can black out our internet." I don't think that the point he was trying to make is the one I saw in that message.

A people should never be afraid of their government if it is being fairly run for the common good. The people in governmental service should fear the people because the people should control their jobs.

I think that we can move too far in the direction of wanting to be safe vs being adults who have our freedom. The ones who had the vision and strength to begin this experiment and launch our countries government knew this and foresaw this. That is what much of their writings were about. Warnings of what was happening then and what is beginning to happen now.

The rich, forgetting how they got there, the work that so many put in to get them there, the entitlement and superiority they are beginning to feel. Numbers and history always win in the end. How many will have to die and how long will it take because of the greed of a sick few who need more more more and are never happy with what they have. Pushing pushing their need and greed the draconic avarice to hoard and have all all all.

The inroads they are taking into our educational system to not even rewrite history but no longer even teach it. Touching only briefly on memorization of a few dates, place, names that are not even significant, do not teach do not make our children think question. Just worker ants being trained to numbly sit at a desk and input data without thought.

Gone is the creativity, erasing music drawing painting creative writing. Filling their heads instead with cotton.

So yes, fear us government because there are many who see and will rise up. You will not take our guns and we will not be afraid to fight to save ourselves from greed and corruption. Our spirits have not been completely crushed out just yet for we are human; capricious vibrant careless thoughtless violent creative resourceful resilient. You cannot hold back the human tide nor even turn it, all you will do is create a lot of damage trying. Much may be lost but even as a forest fire destroys all in its path, it lays down the foundation for an even greater growth.

Public servants, remember that this is what you are and what you are sworn to. The public, not a selfish few who will throw you to us, the wolves, as soon as you are no longer useful to them.

Look back in history and remember the fear. Remember where it belongs and remember what happens when it is ignored.

and that's my 25 cents

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