
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Corporations and the Republicans

I'm so mad I could spit.

The Republicans seem to be willing to let this country go into a tailspin so they can save some tax breaks for corporate jets!
Never mind the millions of people unemployed and/or unable to afford the healthcare we are footing for free for them and their entire families.

Corporations need to start paying their fair share in taxes instead of being given free passes by the Republicans in exchange for a little somethin' somethin' under the table.

The average American pays more in taxes than any of the top executives of large corporations despite the fact that the execs earn more money in one year than the average American would see in several lifetimes.
And there seems to be a call to put the Republicans back in charge? Really America? Well then if we are all that near sighted, amnesiac and just plain dumb then we will most certainly get what we deserve. And the top execs will continue to slash entry level jobs to free up money to give themselves more multimillion dollar raises while the unemployment and welfare lines grow and fewer and fewer people will have health care or jobs.

Way to go Republicans. Just as long as we are paying for your health care I guess what do you care what happens to the people who voted you in to office. You have to protect all your kick backs I guess.

And that's My 25 cents...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the pledge, the military and respect

I got into a discussion today about 'under God' being taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. I pointed out that it was not originally in the pledge, it was added in 1954. The response I got back was, our country and troops needed God right now and that they loved our country and were proud of it, the military and God; and were not ashamed to admit it. I stated that I did also but did not see how that had anything to do with the pledge issue. Someone else then chimed in stating that respect was lacking today too. I didn't quite know what to make of that so I stated that I thought today's children lacked the discipline and boundaries we had growing up but again didn't see what that had to do with the pledge issue. I also pointed out that when God was invoked re the military, mass destruction and slaughter tends to follow (Crusades or 9/11 anyone?). And when invoked re governments, well then you get mass destruction, slaughter and 2nd class citizens with little or no rights and even persecution if not of the dominant religion.  Mass suppression/imprisonment of people who don't agree with the reigning doctrine. Wow, I kinda like the whole division of church and state thing we've got going on.

It's amazing to me how little people know about debate anymore. All of the return comments were off topic and had little or nothing to do with the original subject. They completely ignored my own points and (now this is just my feeling) seemed to feel that any questioning of the use of God's name in the pledge was a questioning of the military and our country. I did point out that the division of church and state as stipulated in our constitution actually made it illegal to have it in the pledge in our public schools. I kind of felt that the respect comment was directed at me as I had the gall to actually point out facts rather than just following blind emotion and agreeing with it.
This is why I believe the founding fathers were visionaries. There were so many other things I could have brought up, like what religious name of the creator should we use? As I believe they would have felt the christian one I would have to point out that freedom of religion means there are many followers of other religions in this country that, because of our constitution, should have the right to say the name of their creator. And if someone does not believe in a creator? Why should they have to say something they don't believe in? See, this is why it was not originally in the constitution.

Now, if churches really want to make the laws of the country and make everyone follow their rules, then they should immediately give up the tax exempt status and start paying taxes on all those donations they get. If you want to run the country you have to pay for the running of it.
Bet that will not go over well. Want your cake and eat it too, huh.

And that's My 25 cents...

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Just a quick thought.

I think that the reason so many top executives are so greedy and seem to feel their positions entitle them to multi-million dollar salaries at the expense of 100's or even 1000's of entry-level positions that would help the economy and allow so many people to have jobs and not rely on welfare is that they had nothing to do with building the company they work for. There is no pride in the company, there is just a feeling of how much they can get out of it before moving on to something else.  Just a thought...

Update: We should all keep an eye on this

It shows how much the CEO's are reeling in at our expense.

And that's My 25 cents...


I think we need to start moving from parrot-rote learning to teaching how to think for oneself and solve things for oneself. Discussions about how one sees things, what one thinks is a possibility. Oh, not in math as those have very concrete answers, but how to get to those answers and go beyond. Curiosity, investigation, puzzling things out, thinking outside the box to find the solution or solutions. Make learning fun, a game; not to be won or lost but be solved. To stretch the mind, explore the boundaries of what's possible...
What could we achieve if there were no multiple choice, this is 'right' this is 'wrong'; thinking beyond what we 'know' is possible...

And that's My 25 cents...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dear Mr President

It disturbs me greatly to hear all of these arguments on the legislative floors of so many states and even the federal government regarding same-sex marriage that are almost solely based on religion. It truly shocks me how many times I have heard our governments representatives argue their personal faith and feelings as a reason to ban same-sex marriage. To have someone in a position of secular authority try to force their personal belief on the populace or even the personal faith of the people in their district on the rest of the citizens and not have someone else raise the question of division of church and state is terrifying. I understand that many faiths have issue with gay marriage, that does not however make a good argument to ban it. There are also religions that insist women wear hair coverings, are we going to make that into law next?
I have as yet to hear a valid, legal, secular argument for banning gay marriage.
I fail to see any legal, secular reason to ban people from doing anything in their own personal lives that does not directly affect another person negatively.
I understand that this is a highly emotional issue for many people. However, I fail to see how that is any reason for this to become a law or even seriously debated when there are so many more important issues (like the economy) to worry about.

And that's My 25 cents...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fix the Economy

So I just saw that Jon Huntsman is throwing his hat in the ring for GOP candidate for president.
One of the things he says is that he's going to 'make the hard decisions' on the economy.

Does this include legislation getting many of the top echelon to take huge pay cuts rather than firing a bunch of end line workers to 'save money' thus saving jobs and helping the economy? No more multi-million dollar salaries for the top brass while 1000's of jobs are cut to meet budget cuts? No more golden parachutes worth several million dollars to people who essentially failed at their jobs and are being let go. No more free health care and added benefits while the front line workers have to pay half their wages to cover just the monthly fees and having to meet enormous deductibles before they even kick in?

Somehow I really doubt that these are some of the hard decisions this essentially top echelon executive is going to introduce. So there really is no reason to pick this one either.

Another story I saw is about a brand new school in southern California that they can't use because after the expense of building it they can't afford to operate it. Again, I have the same fix for this. These are public officials. Why are the administrative exec's who don't have anything to do with the children making several thousand to probably lower seven digits and the one's who are there in the front lines with the children making low 5 figures? And in many cases having to spend their own money on supplies? Where are all the millions of dollars going? Into the pockets of people who do not now and probably never have had anything to do with children. Cut their salaries, give the money to the kids, hello, duh.

And that's My 25 cents...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Men and Women

I am so tired of this.

Men and women are different. In most cases they excel in different areas of life. There are those exceptions, however, where someone is born with an affinity for what is generally considered a role for the other sex. There is nothing wrong with that and I feel the true evil is trying to force that individual into a role they were not born to.

I don't understand where this need came from that men have to 'blame' everything on women. Women have to hide themselves from men so as not to incite lust, why don't men just learn to control themselves? That sounds more like a failing of men than of women, at the very least a laziness. Women are not intelligent or can't 'handle' things as well as men? Really? Try to give birth, and even in these times there are many women who lose their babies. Men, deal with that trauma over and over again. Women have had many roles through the years that have required intelligence as well: midwives/medicine women, running households, cooks, etc. Until men realized there was money to be made from these professions, and suddenly women could not handle them? Wow.
The one I never understood is what is now called OB/GYN, in today's medicine I can see how men can be in this branch of medicine but in the past how could men possibly understand this area better than women? That is real ego, 'I know your body better than you do even though mine is nothing like yours'?
Women not being allowed on the front lines in combat? For all of history women have been on the front lines of combat but unable to defend themselves. How does that make sense? You're in the middle of a war but you can't handle defending yourself so you'll have to be able to handle the consequences of not being able to defend yourself; oh, and by the way, that will be your fault and you will be shamed for not being able to stop it and might as well kill yourself because you didn't have the decency to just die at the time. That makes so much more sense.

And that's My 25 cents...

Men Afraid

What exactly are men so afraid of.

Women are just as capable as men. If God had not wanted women to do everything that men do God would not have given women brains that in some cases exceed men. When I see articles like the ones above, all I see is scared men. Men terrified that women will learn that they do not need men. Not that women can survive without men thus deciding to live without them because I don't see that happening but women finally deciding to stop babysitting men and making them do for themselves while women go out there and do as well.

All I see here is men wanting to keep women reliant on them for everything. Trying to keep women in a servile role to take care of men like children because men do not want to grow up.

Men so scared that women will realize that though women like having men around, men can take care of themselves and women can, and in many places do, go out and live their own dreams.

Go out there and drive your cars!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The French Revolution

Ok, some people need to hurry up and take notice.

If things keep going like they are in America we are going to have a revolution on our hands.
Too many CEO's and other top executives of major corporations are being waaaaay too greedy.
Giving themselves multi-million dollar raises while laying off 100's or 1000's of employees to 'streamline' costs or 'become more efficient' seems to be just a way to make sure there's enough money for another raise. The disparity between what a top exec makes and what the average worker makes is growing wider and wider every year and there is no other reason than greed for this phenomenon. No person is worth several million dollars a year and if all top exec's went back down to a reasonable salary, there would be more money for more US jobs. More jobs and more money for the average worker would equal better educated workers, happier workers, healthier workers.

No one person is worth several million dollars and the egos of these executives to think that they as one individual are more important than 100's of other people and their jobs is dangerous and wrong.
To take away the livelihoods of so many so that one person can afford another house in the mountains or by the beach is selfish and evil.

And one of these days there will be a revolution if it's not changed. The French noblemen didn't think it could happen to them or that there was any chance for success if there was an uprising. Surprise.
We need something done and soon.

And that's My 25 cents...

Women in Combat

Just read the above article about women in the military being allowed in combat positions.

Women have always been part of wars. As casualties/victims. It has always thrown me when men talk about women not being able to cope with war as the ones with the weapons. It would seem to me that being able to defend yourself and others would actually be better than what women have now.
For thousands of years women and children have had to deal with one side of war the victim side. Rape and pillage. With no way of fighting back and in fact a culture that looks down on fighting back unless your a man. Women deal with as much as men do and to say that women cannot deal with combat situations (when many men have a hard time dealing with it and are still allowed to do so) is ridiculous and archaic. Not even archaic because women have had to be strong to deal with the effects of war that have always been forced upon them.

And that's My 25 cents...

Monday, June 13, 2011

More politics

Please don't mistake me, I am an Independent.

I think the Democratic and Republican parties could do with some real competition. But I do have to say this. Reading about the GOP debate today I notice that while they are slamming Obama for not fixing the economy NO ONE is pointing out that it was the Republican in office previously that put us in this mess.

Why is no one stating the obvious here or have people already forgotten?

Sometimes I just want to slap people...

And that's My 25 cents...


Rules or laws without meaning. Serving no purpose but for one person to have power over another. Arbitrary rules 'just because' or that's the way things have always been done regardless of whether or not the rule has any meaning any longer.

Rules must change as people change, evolve as people evolve. Must be made to fit the situation to achieve relevance.

I read somewhere that a society with a preponderance of laws that are no longer enforced but still active becomes top heavy and ineffectual. Losing the spirit of the law, instead focusing on the minutiae. Ignoring the forest for the trees as it were.

And that's My 25 cents...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

People just slay me

One president is in office for eight years and leaves us with a multi-million dollar surplus. The next president is also in office for eight years and leaves us so far in debt that three years later we have hit our debt ceiling. And yet, because the sitting president has not been able to fix the economy that it took eight years to mess up, in three years; many are clamoring to put someone from that same party as the president who got us in this situation back in office...huh? Many did the same thing in the primaries only 1 year in. Seriously people. Sometimes I think we get exactly what we deserve.

And that's My 25 cents...

The Future

Jacques Fresco is a social engineer and industrial engineer with many patents for buildings, medical equipment and projects for the movie industry.

 I just got done watching a documentary on him, Future by Design.

So many of his ideas are amazing and I hope that many of his city planning and transport ideas do pan out. Unfortunately, many of his ideas are very logical and common-sensical. I don't think that humans are yet ready to make that step. I can't even get in to all the marvelous things I'm thinking now because of this documentary.

And that's My 25 cents...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

America the Puritan

Ok, it's articles like this,8599,2076783,00.html?xid=feed-yahoo-full-mostpopular that make me realize just how behind the rest of the world we are here in America.

Basically, there is now a nudist hiking trail in Germany. How cool is that?

THINK by Lisa Bloom, who was on The Doctors and The Talk this last week shows how bad the situation is for Americans. Although women are finally getting better grade-wise across the board and earning more in some areas of the country, we are still far behind the rest of the world. There are several countries who consistently outperform us in all categories of education.

I think that a large part of the issue, not in education but in the fact that there are several countries who have or have had female heads of state long before us, is that we are still holding on to many Puritanical points of view in this country regarding our governments policies in spite of the constitutional separation of Church and State.

Same-sex marriage, prostitution, abortion, guns and drugs being a few large issues. 

Same-sex marriage:
None of the governments business and should not even be a discussion as the only arguments I have heard to make it illegal are all religious and have no Constitutional right to be argued in any governmental setting as a reason to bar it.
None of anyone elses business except the two people entering in to the union either. Since when do people have the right to tell others what they can do with their lives? Unfortunately, I am going to have to say that if same-sex couples want to get married in church they will have to find one who accepts gay people as there is no way to force a church to do so, for the same reasons that the church should not try to stop people from getting married secularly.
And on kind of the same note, if the religious right wants religious law to be part of the secular law then they should immediately give up their tax exempt status because you can't have it both ways, boys.
Okay, since when does the government have the right to tell people what they can and can't do with their bodies? It should be treated as a service like any other. Licensed, regulated and taxed. Do you know how much money the government could make? Prostitutes, sex companions, or my favorite from a JD Robb series, licensed companion; whatever you call them, have them keep up-to-date medical records like the porn industry is already doing. Licenses for various levels starting at street level and moving up to well-educated through schooling and certification.
While I am not in favor of it as a form of birth control, I have nothing against it in many cases; rape/incest, where death of mother or child is a possibility, or extreme levels of deformity for the child. I am extremely irate to know that in many cases aid to other countries hinges on abortion not being an option, no posters or literature are allowed even though it is an option here in America.
This is such a loaded pun intended. I think guns should be in every household and that a gun safety/awareness curriculum should be started at home at a very young age and in school from 1st grade. For that matter, so should some form of self-defense program. That would be perfect in place of PE. The children would still be getting a workout just one with a purpose. Knowing how to use a gun or protect yourself would not promote violence, rather it would lower the instances of bullying and gun violence in schools simply because it would be an everyday part of life and respect and realism would be taught to everyone. Many of the issues with guns and children is simply because they are not shown proper respect for them and the only way they are even seeing them is in movies and video games. If they were taught how to use them and care for them properly they would know the safe ways to use them and the reality behind them.
Oh for crying out loud. Again, since when is it ok for others to tell us what we can and cannot do? Make all drugs legal. If you hurt someone to get drugs or while on drugs, it was your choice to take them and you should be punished for that crime. As in the case of prostitution, think of how much money the government would have from taxing, regulating and selling drugs.
Personal Responsibility people!!!
No more diminished capacity. You decide to take drugs and you hurt someone you takes your punishment. Period. Just treat it like alcohol, which is a drug. Hello.

The major thing with all of these is that the government should not have a right to dictate what we as adults choose to do. 'You' do not have a right to decide what 'I' do, unless or until what 'I' do causes 'you' physical harm. Then that physical harm is punished.
'Your' religious belief should also never be used to make a law either because as there is freedom of religion that also comes with separation of church and state which means the morals of a religion should not enter into secular law unless there is also an ethical equivalent; Thou shalt not kill comes to mind. Basically anything that infringes on someone else's physical health only.
Am I the only one that makes sense to?
We as adults in a free society should have the right to decide what we do in our own personal lives as long as that does not cause harm to another person. Why is that so hard? Why are we so insistent upon everyone doing everything our way? We won't even know or see a millionth of the people any of it affects so why do we care so much? How do we feel so entitled as to say that our way is the right way and everyone must do as we want?

And that's My 25 cents...

Friday, June 10, 2011


I almost didn't use that as the title because even the word is polarizing.

Many of the worlds religions have the same message. Why does the title matter more than the content?

I believe life and our belief in religion is more like a mountain.

There are some big broad paths up to the top for the many and there are smaller trails for the few and then there are the ones who want to go straight up the face, lol.

God, however you say it and however you worship it, made each one of us different and unique so why in the world should just one way of seeing God be right for everyone? Especially when so many of them exclude so many different groups of people. I don't think that was part of the plan. If God had wanted cookie-cutter people, God would have made cookie-cutter people. I think this way is much more fun.
Yes, there is more pain, mess, sadness, anger and hatred. But we have seen time and time again that without that the happiness, joy and peace we also feel would have nothing to be related to.
Haven't we all learned in one way or another that hard work, obstacles to overcome and adversity have made the outcome, be it money, fame, family, etc. better? More meaningful? Getting something for nothing puts no value on it. Its the striving that ultimately makes us better people both individually and as a race.

God bless us all of us regardless of who or what we are.
And if you believe in Goddess instead I'll tell you, I don't think God/dess has a sex for it made us all in its image and is greater than the sum of us all.
And if you don't believe in God, then strive to make this world a better, happier place because not doing so is just taking the easy way out.

 And that's My 25 cents...


On the one hand...

The cruelty that is a tradition in some countries. The brutal maiming of young girls by their mothers. By men who do not have the guts do so themselves.
Men have decried that women are dirty and sinful and should not feel pleasure so that part must be removed and mostly sewn shut. (In my angrier moments I believe this is because those men are lazy and do not wish to have to learn to pleasure a woman and have such small penises that they need to have them sewn up).
The utter ego of these men to say that God has made a mistake in the design of womens bodies and that they will 'fix' this error for God.
Pure Evil.

...and on the other hand...

Those poor souls who seem to have found themselves in a body that is the wrong sex. Sex reassignment.

On the face of it the same issue, either its a 'mistake' or its not.

Looking deeper these are two very separate issues.

Women as a whole sex God got 'wrong'?  I say 'NO'

A relative handful of souls who chose a hard road to learn a great life lesson and in turn teach a lesson to the entire human race?   I say 'YES'

There are many lessons I believe the human race as a whole is learning.

And that's My 25 cents...

Adam and Eve

It took the second most powerful being in the universe to convince Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit.
It took only Eve to entice Adam.

I am in no way saying that women are better than men...

I am merely putting forth the theory that men are afraid of the strength in women and have therefore tried to convince women to hold themselves down in the dirt. Because there is no other way that men can force women down but to have them do it to themselves.

And that's My 25 cents...

My Take on Weiner

Okay, I can't take it anymore.
I've heard both sides on the debate on whether or not Rep. Anthony Weiner should resign and heres what I think.

I think he should serve out his term and retire from public office and here's why.

While there has been no definitive proof that he was using government property or pursuing these activities on government time, he has definitely shown a marked lack of judgement and an inability to foresee the consequences of his actions. And if he did understand the impact his actions would have then there is definitely some sense of invincibility or being above any accountability for what he did.

Therefore, I don't see where there would be any reason to have him step down but also do not see any reason to reelect someone who will not see that his personal action can and should influence the opinions of those he was elected to serve.

And that's My 25 cents...