
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Corporations and the Republicans

I'm so mad I could spit.

The Republicans seem to be willing to let this country go into a tailspin so they can save some tax breaks for corporate jets!
Never mind the millions of people unemployed and/or unable to afford the healthcare we are footing for free for them and their entire families.

Corporations need to start paying their fair share in taxes instead of being given free passes by the Republicans in exchange for a little somethin' somethin' under the table.

The average American pays more in taxes than any of the top executives of large corporations despite the fact that the execs earn more money in one year than the average American would see in several lifetimes.
And there seems to be a call to put the Republicans back in charge? Really America? Well then if we are all that near sighted, amnesiac and just plain dumb then we will most certainly get what we deserve. And the top execs will continue to slash entry level jobs to free up money to give themselves more multimillion dollar raises while the unemployment and welfare lines grow and fewer and fewer people will have health care or jobs.

Way to go Republicans. Just as long as we are paying for your health care I guess what do you care what happens to the people who voted you in to office. You have to protect all your kick backs I guess.

And that's My 25 cents...

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