
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

*sigh*...... uuummmm.......this

Here is something else for me to rant about for a sec.

I know there are many men who have finally gotten the message that women are human beings, not walking vaginas.

For the rest of you. Quit blaming women for your inability to keep it in your pants! The above link is proof that there does not need to be a woman anywhere near you for you to be stupid.

You can no longer blame women for your inability to control yourself or to police your own behavior.

Women are not responsible for you. You are responsible for you. Learn some self control!

It is not the way a woman dresses, where she chooses to go, when she chooses to go there or how drunk she is that has anything to do with YOUR behavior.

I mean seriously guys, come on, how lazy do you have to be to not just control yourselves? Don't you hate being predictable, useless and helpless?

Again, this is not for the (thank god) large number of men who have finally quit scratching their balls while staring at a tv expecting food and clean clothing to magically appear. (See, stereotypes kinda piss you off don't they).

I know, a large share of the fault for some of this does lie with women. If we would quit cooking, cleaning, working, looking after the children, keeping the families schedule up to date; and expecting the men to do an equal share of the above. Maybe they would. After they quit bitching and whining like a 2 year old who suddenly has to keep their room clean on their own. (Again, see how the stereotype is a bit annoying)?


And that's my 25 cents...

Friday, May 10, 2013

freedom, government, fear, weapons

 There is much talk about guns and government and fear these days.

I always flash back to my recollection of history class and the French Revolution the most, although I suppose there must be many others. :) my reading has led me to this time because of the Three Musketeers mostly and the research into France I did because of that book.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. This is both true and false. False in that the gun is the weapon that is used to kill, true in the sense that people who wish to harm or kill another will find a weapon, anything can be used to kill. People are resourceful that way.

I recently saw a tweet that said "people who are talking about an armed rebellion against our government, let me point something out to you, our government has tanks and drones and can black out our internet." I don't think that the point he was trying to make is the one I saw in that message.

A people should never be afraid of their government if it is being fairly run for the common good. The people in governmental service should fear the people because the people should control their jobs.

I think that we can move too far in the direction of wanting to be safe vs being adults who have our freedom. The ones who had the vision and strength to begin this experiment and launch our countries government knew this and foresaw this. That is what much of their writings were about. Warnings of what was happening then and what is beginning to happen now.

The rich, forgetting how they got there, the work that so many put in to get them there, the entitlement and superiority they are beginning to feel. Numbers and history always win in the end. How many will have to die and how long will it take because of the greed of a sick few who need more more more and are never happy with what they have. Pushing pushing their need and greed the draconic avarice to hoard and have all all all.

The inroads they are taking into our educational system to not even rewrite history but no longer even teach it. Touching only briefly on memorization of a few dates, place, names that are not even significant, do not teach do not make our children think question. Just worker ants being trained to numbly sit at a desk and input data without thought.

Gone is the creativity, erasing music drawing painting creative writing. Filling their heads instead with cotton.

So yes, fear us government because there are many who see and will rise up. You will not take our guns and we will not be afraid to fight to save ourselves from greed and corruption. Our spirits have not been completely crushed out just yet for we are human; capricious vibrant careless thoughtless violent creative resourceful resilient. You cannot hold back the human tide nor even turn it, all you will do is create a lot of damage trying. Much may be lost but even as a forest fire destroys all in its path, it lays down the foundation for an even greater growth.

Public servants, remember that this is what you are and what you are sworn to. The public, not a selfish few who will throw you to us, the wolves, as soon as you are no longer useful to them.

Look back in history and remember the fear. Remember where it belongs and remember what happens when it is ignored.

and that's my 25 cents

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We are losing the human touch
It is all mechanical, corporate, technological
We are forgetting about the community and how we are all responsible for each other
Life is a web of interactions and we are severing the strands
There are no more barn raisings
No more neighborhood potlucks
No community gardens
I do believe that we all need to start paying attention to the person again, on a community level rather than a federal or even state level
The disease that is infecting this country started from the ground up and we are just now seeing it on the CEO and federal level we need to get back to the ground
Community gardens where all participate, Habitat for Humanity where we all pitch in to build houses, volunteering at homeless shelters and food kitchens to help those who have even less than we do
Bringing those in prison into the community to keep them connected: gardens both floral and vegetable, help build houses, work on community clean up, take care of animals; we give them libraries and gyms and tvs, why not give them something productive where they can see a final product to take pride in?
That Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon does not just mean that we all know each other but that we are all connected, all of us together

We are all of us responsible for ourselves and how we treat everyone else
We are responsible for the community we live in

There is too much 'you can't do that' and not enough 'let's do this'
There need to be fewer laws as if we are all children who cannot decide for ourselves what we can and cannot do and more assistance to help everyone succeed in life. That does not mean become rich, it just means become fulfilled and have a rich life full of love and achievement.

We need to become a community of people rather than a corporate culture we have become
People are not corporation, people are life, love, happiness, laughter, joy.

And that's my 25 cents...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Vote dammit!

Regardless of your political party, your beliefs, or your religion; we need to all stand up and demand that the President and those in Congress be held accountable for how they vote, what they vote on, and from whom they take money.
In this, it does not matter what you want them to vote for, only that they are voting the will of the majority of voters in their jurisdiction not the will of the corporation giving them the most money.
Stand for what you believe in, tell them what you want them to do, shout your will!!!
We showed that we can make a difference in 2008, no matter if the vote went your way or not, we witnessed the power of many voting their voice.
Contact your representatives at the city, county, state and federal level!! Let them know we are not happy, we are not stupid, and we see what they are doing. The level of greed, partisanship and downright pandering to large corporations over the common good, the public, the people.
We must never forget that we have the power, this is our country and they work for us. They are elected by us to be our voice.
Remember what so many have fought for us to have today. Read your history, read about how many have fought both physically and verbally to ensure our rights and freedoms.
Vote. Please vote. Vote your will, your conscience. But remember, you would not want someone else to limit your rights, your will. Why would you do that to someone else?

And that's my 25 cents...

Friday, September 9, 2011

9/11 and all it means to me

I live in Washington State. I was not anywhere near NYC on that day but I still felt every blow.
The way I heard about it. I was checking my Yahoo email and saw the first report on the home page. I thought it was some kind of weird joke to begin with but I saw more reports online so I turned on my tv. And I watched again and again, over and over as those planes flew right in to those buildings.

In the years since then I have heard many theories as to who and how this happened. The groups of people who were blamed for the tragedy. The reasons they did it.

One of the most terrifying things I watched happen, was the governments unabashed glee in tightening its noose on our freedoms and loosening the restrictions on what it can and cannot do without any watchdogs.

The good, the bad, and the truly ugly attitudes that many religious people took after this tragedy inspired, terrified, and sometimes just left me open-mouthed in disbelief. Some saw this time as a way to reach out, support and encourage one another regardless of personal beliefs. Others saw this as a great time to point fingers, to hate, to say 'see! i told you we shouldn't have let them in!'. And others used this time to hurt, to burn, to kill; with no proof, no evidence, regardless of whether or not someone could have had anything to do with it.

9/11 taught me that we humans can use a life changing event to open up, grow, reach out or to close ourselves up even further, curl ourselves tighter around our preconceived notions and shut others out.

This may not bring me much praise, but much as I know 9/11 was a tragedy, we Americans are so privileged and protected that this one instance of violence shook our psyche and still disturbs us 10 yrs later. There are places around the world that see violence 1000's of times worse than this every day.

Every day.

Every day.

Every day!!

I know that we know it intellectually but I feel that there is a sense that we are more entitled, better somehow and deserve more protection. So though my heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones 10 yrs ago. My heart goes out even more to those mothers in Lybia, Somalia, and elsewhere who just lost their child/ren last week, yesterday, today.

I know, hate me all you want. But 9/11 did open my eyes. Did make me realize that we are not immune to tragedies. Did make me more aware of our governments actions and that there are ways I can help others who, even in America, need help.

And that's My 25 cents...

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Help

I went and saw the movie The Help today. I cried. The acting and the script were superb.
It's so hard to see how far we have come and how far we have yet to go.
Though people of color are no longer slaves and women can vote, there are still groups of people who are being discriminated against.
What is so clear to me are the parallels between the racism in the movie and the issues facing LGBT people today, yet many would claim that there are no similarities at all. Groups of people getting together to try to make legislation that will deny some their rights. Cruel beatings and random slayings of the minority group that go unpunished. Laws limiting the rights of a particular group. Death threats, the depicting of someone as 'less'. Who was I describing there? Blacks, women, LGBT? You don't know do you, because it could have been any of the above.
Many today would be horrified at the atrocities suffered by black people during the civil rights movement, yet would still turn around and argue against full equality for LGBT. I just cannot fathom this blindness.
My heart broke at the hate and bile that was only lightly hinted at in this movie. And is still breaking knowing that this is still going on against blacks, women and LGBT. The 'other' to be sacrificed to the ignorant 'norm'.

Hate and ignorance, using books that are full of tolerance and love to spew intolerance and evil, by people who are just parroting others and have not fully read or understand those books.
I feel so powerless, that I cannot even get my family and friends to see or care about what they are doing to others and how it goes against what they profess to believe in. They do not seem to see history repeating itself yet again.

I don't have any more words, all I have is tears.

And that's My 25 cents...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wishful thinking...It's just me

Steps I think we should take to make America a good country:

  • MMA, Tai Chi and yoga mandatory for all grade levels (kindergarten starts out with just the yoga)
  • Weapons training with firearms, blunt and sharp instruments as well as street fighting and strategy/tactics classes mandatory from 5th grade on with younger grades learning care, maintenance and full history (offensive and defensive) of all weaponry
  • Mandatory one (1) year of military service sometime between 18-25
  • Learning money handling, economics, finance starting in 1st grade
  • From 1st grade must learn three (3) languages or more. Oral and written
  • From 1st grade there must be serious discussions of history and the repercussions of decisions that were made at the time. Not just a regurgitation and memorization of dates and names
  • All grades: Must practice at least two (2) art forms of any medium
  • Must participate in one (1) Science or Tech fair per year starting in 5th grade
  • Internships and apprenticeships will be provided by area companies during high school for students who have a career path in mind but with no contractual requirement to continue on with that company after high school
The above is for all children, male and female.
That is all for the schools that I can think of right now.

  • All government programs will be streamlined to run more efficiently, with fewer loopholes
  • Any law that cannot be reasonably enforced will be removed from the books, including obsolete laws
  • Any law that is only on the books 'for our own good' will be removed
  • The only laws that should be on the books are laws that enforce not harming another person
  • All drugs, alcohol and weapons will be legal to own, use and sell
  • Any harm caused another person against their will with any of the above or exacerbated by the above will have severe, harsh consequences
  • The selling of any of the above to minors will be met with equal intolerance
  • Prostitution will be legal
  • Drugs, alcohol, weapons and sex will all be monitored, licensed and taxed by the government
  • All sex workers will be required to undergo 3 month health exams
You can see that the above would simultaneously save money by ending the war on drugs and sex, and make a lot of money off of all the above.

  •  Corporations will be penalized for moving jobs or money out of the country unnecessarily
  • Small businesses will get assistance for creating new jobs
  • Tax law will be streamlined to close any loopholes
  • If a company is not run properly and needs government assistance to stay in business, the executives in charge of the business will not be rewarded with money and exit packages and may even see jail time if the damage is widespread
  • There will be heavier levies on companies whose manufacturing or other services are done outside of the country; the more of a product that is made in country, the more of a break that company will get

I know I have more about business and the greedy you-know-whats who run them but I can't think of anymore right now

  • Those in Congress shall not have been lawyers as that creates an imbalance and conflict of interest between the Judiciary and Legislative branches of government
  • Those holding office shall not have any free benefits that are not readily available for all in the country; so no free health care for themselves and their entire families, no free rides in government vehicles of any kind that do not relate directly to a government function and shall never include family, their salaries/benefits do not continue after their term of service
  • Those in office may not accept money or gifts in any way, shape or form from anyone
  • Those running for office shall only use the public money allotted to them to run for office and will be disqualified if it is found that any outside money, support or gifts were accepted during their campaign
  • Any bill that is introduced for consideration may not have any riders in the bill that do not pertain directly to that bill
  • In no bill that is admitted for consideration will there be any earmarks that are not directly related to the main thrust of the bill
I know I have so much more but I can't think of any right at the moment. This one I may come back and update if I think of anything else that I think is pertinent.

And that's My 25 cents...