
Sunday, August 7, 2011


I do apologize yet again blog friends but I can't be quiet about this issue. Those who know me well know that I very rarely let myself feel strongly about anything but in these times none of us can afford to stand back and watch. Read this first article, then whether you are Republican, Democrat, or like myself Independent; email your state representatives, email the President (that is the second link) and tell them to stand up for their constituents because regardless of how much money the rich and big business are giving them they probably won't be in office come next election the way they are going now.  Make your voices heard. Regardless of how this Presidency has turned out, the fact that our voices were heard by the record number of voters that turned out should let us all know how truly powerful we are. Again sorry and thank you.

The legislators that are running this country hear ours voices, know what it is that we want them to do. They hear the opinions of the economists and others who see and understand what is going on in our country right now and their proposals (sound, reasonable proposals) on the steps needed to strengthen America and the economy. They are not listening because they are being paid not to. They are being paid by the rich and big business to keep them getting richer without having to repay those who are making that so. These short-sighted people do not care that in the long run, this will hurt them as well. Or, if not them then their descendants. As they will not feel the direct effect of the disaster they are helping to inflict on the whole world they simply do not care. As long as they get to buy another island or bigger yacht or newest jet, they simply do not care what happens to the rest of the world.
We have to make them care, we have to stand up as we did in the 2008 elections. We saw then that our voices can be heard, that we can make a difference. Remember the French Revolution. The aristocrats simply had no frame of reference for what befell them. They simply could not fathom that the common people (though they vastly outnumbered the aristocrats) had the ability or the wherewithal to fight back or to make such a sweeping impact on their way of life.
I am not in any way advocating the violence and death that was a part of that revolution. What I am saying is that we need to stand up, we need to be heard, we need to remind those running our states and those in DC that they are there because we put them there. WE DID. Not the rich or the corporations who are pouring money into their private coffers. And we can take them out of office just as easily.
What happened in June was our fault. We sat back down. We thought once was enough. We need to realize that freedom is an ongoing responsibility that never ends. When we sit down, when we remain quiet, when we decide we have done enough; then those who have the money, those that continue to push their own selfish agenda will win the day.
The war for independence, for freedom, for equality will never be over. And though we may have lost a battle by backing off, we can win the next one by standing up again.
Whatever happens this next election day, whomever wins; we will get yet again exactly what we deserve and will have no one to blame but ourselves.

And that's My 25 cents...

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