
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Who should I blame first?

I know, the budget again.

Ok here goes.

All of us are to blame for this mess.

Obama for not having a backbone and sticking up for revenue added to the budget deal and restructuring the public programs to make them more efficient rather than hemorrhaging money, therefore reducing their budgets.

Congress, both the House and the Senate, for acting like a bunch of 5th graders. I hate you so I'm going to take the whole country including the people whose interests I'm allegedly voting for. And for taking money from special interest, large corporations and voting their way instead.

Big Business and special interest groups who are feeding off of America and the people who live here but do not feel any sense of responsibility towards them.

The S&P and Moody's for creating this artificial environment in the first place. Then making it worse with this downgrade. Shame on you.

The American people for voting the Tea Party in, in the first place. For not having any patience and voting in a knee-jerk reaction. For giving the Democrats only 1 year to try to fix what took 8 years to screw up and handing the government back to the party and the people that got us here in the first place. So to you I say thank you so very much for screwing it up for the rest of us and stay home next voting season, K?

So we all together made this whole stinking mess and unfortunately the people who could fix the situation are not in power and are not being listened to by the ones who are in power because the ones who are in power are listening to the people who are giving them whole piles of money and f#$# the rest of us who voted them in to office and who's voices they are 'supposed' to be. Thanks so much, a$$h@les.

And that's My 25 cents...

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