
Monday, July 18, 2011

the fashion industry

I have had this thought off and on for a while now and an article
I just read brought it to the forefront of my mind yet again.

Homosexual men have helped destroy the self-respect of women.

Now don't get me wrong here, I am in no way prejudiced against gay men. I just happen to feel that those in the fashion industry have helped to ruin the female form. Homosexual men are naturally not attracted to women so the natural female form would not appeal to them so they try to make the female form as male as possible by totally removing any curves or hint of breast. It's true, take a look at runway models and tell me that they look in any way like 'woman'. No hips, no breasts, no waist. Straight lines everywhere. And that is the beauty ideal now.

I'm not saying its a conspiracy or on purpose. I'm not even blaming, I'm just saying.

It's time, thought that the fashion industry starts taking responsibility and making clothes that look good on women, not just stick thin models. I know it's possible, fashion designers are very creative. So start coming out with designs that actual women can wear without that little moue that you get when a woman looks like a woman and not some weird version of a male. Looking like a woman isn't fat and it's not wrong. It's how we look when we are healthy and actually look like women. So start getting used to it.

And that's My 25 cents...

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